Are you one of those people who swears you’ll make healthier choices tomorrow…but tomorrow never seems to come? Or there’s always one reason or another for tomorrow to be pushed out by another day. That’s me. While I know I’m completely capable of doing it, for some reason, I don’t think I am and self-sabotage. But tomorrow is today. I’m going to try to eat healthier starting today… nay, I WILL eat healthier starting today. Healthy living, take (who knows what attempt number I’m on!)–here we go!
The best way to turn a ‘try’ into a ‘will’? You need to plan. So plan I did. I spent my weekend planning out my meals, getting the groceries for it, and getting myself mentally psyched up.

Thanks to the good folks at Dr. Patel’s Diet, I’m ready. (Full disclosure: Sachin is a family friend and one of my brother’s best friends–we practically grew up together and he’s like an elder brother to me. Speak of the devil, as I was writing this post, he called me to make sure I got the kits he sent me a few weeks ago that will test me for any food I may be intolerant to.)

I killed two birds with one stone yesterday by making these delicious dips for the Spring Swap party–and the leftovers will be perfect for snacks this week!

I also took some time last night to make my lunch for today (raw bean salad)–which again was a 2-in-1 benefit. I’m one of those people that can’t really sit idle and do nothing. Even when I “relax”, I need to be productive. That makes cooking with the TV on in the background or music, is my “relaxation”.

So off I go, with my Kiwi Mango Pineapple Super Smoothie to jump start my day and week–wish me luck!

P.S. If you’re going to try making the smoothie, half the ingredients. Luckily I have a roommate I can give the extras to, but if you’re on your own, you might find there’s way too much food!

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