I was seeing a lot of friends posting pictures of their Thanksgiving preparations that I thought I'd post one of my own: My Thanksgiving (though Canadian Thanksgiving was in October)...
Exactly a month ago I was at the airport in Lima, Peru, on my way back to the United States after an incredible trip. Time has flown! Unfortunately after being...
Kid President's Pep Talk is one of my favorite videos out on the web. There are so many great things about the video, but the message that stuck with me...
I can spend hours on Pinterest pinning creative DIY projects to do one day, trendy styles to try for a night out, delicious kitchen experiments to concoct, and my favorite,...
Oxford Dictionaries announced their Word of the Year 2013: selfie noun, informal (also selfy; plural selfies): a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to...