Have you ever read something and thought it was too good to be true or too perfect for it to be realistic? That’s how I felt when I first read the Jauntaroo Chief World Explorer description. Touted as the Best Job Around the World, Jauntaroo is looking for someone to travel the world, share their experiences through social media and have a great time while they do it. Oh, and you get paid really well on top of this already sweet deal. I first saw the posting, thought it was too good to be true, and moved on with my day. A day or two later, my sister posted the link on my profile urging me to apply—with agreement and supportive comments from other friends and family soon thereafter. So I took a second look, I took a deep breath and decided to take a leap of faith and give it a shot. I quickly put together a plan for a video, shot and gathered my content, taught myself video editing software and created a video after many many hours of adjusting my phone on its tripod and editing until I got to a final product. Now, I need your help.

My video is up but it needs votes! (Edit: 11/1/13: I didn’t make the next round but wanted to still have a link to my video for you to see. Here’s where it’s hosted.)There are almost 2500 submissions and the most liked video has over 41k votes. My video is #233 according to likes–for now. Jauntaroo will be looking at all of the submissions and narrowing it down to the Top 50 on October 1st. One of the components for narrowing the pool down will be the number of likes each video has as that shows your social reach along with the quality and content of your video. Here’s how you can help me make my dream job a reality: please like my video! All you have to do to vote for my video is follow the link and click the “Like” button above the video. That’s it. You don’t need to sign up for an account (though I’d recommend it–it’s a really cool website!), you don’t need to enter an email address, you don’t need to connect it to an online profile. It takes two clicks (one on the link, one on the like button) and that’s it! You can like my video once a day per device! You can share it with your friends and family! Every little bit, every click, every note of encouragement and support, everything–it all helps.

The hardest part during this whole process wasn’t figuring out how to get my story across in 60 seconds. It wasn’t teaching myself how to use a video editing program (which btw has given me better insight into the graphic design world and double the amount of kudos and respect I have for the editors out there)! It wasn’t posting the link and asking my friends and family to support me in my efforts. The hardest part was casting my self doubt aside and making the decision to try. All of the support, the encouragement, the love–that’s what ultimately motivated me to do this and it’s what keeps me going. Thank you again, thank you in advance, thank you for everything. Here we go!

And if I win, you’ll have even more of a travel buddy in me than you already do. It’s a win-win 🙂

P.S. From the time that I started writing this post to now, just before I hit the publish button, I’ve received 7 votes. Including my mom’s. Thanks, you guys! <3

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Next post I Applied for My Dream Job, and Didn’t Get It

4 thoughts on “Help Make My Dream Job Become a Reality

  1. […] I have any way of contacting you at all, you’ve probably heard about how I found my dream job and applied to it. I texted, I emailed, I called, I tweeted, I instagrammed, I facebooked (even had a FB page about […]

  2. […] I have any way of contacting you at all, you’ve probably heard about how I found my dream job and applied to it. I texted, I emailed, I called, I tweeted, I instagrammed, I facebooked (even had a FB page about […]

  3. […] but I wasn’t too upset about it because 1) September was a CRAZY month for me. Remember the dream job I applied to? It was taking over my life (because I wanted it to.) 2) It gave me a chance to listen […]

  4. […] but I wasn’t too upset about it because 1) September was a CRAZY month for me. Remember the dream job I applied to? It was taking over my life (because I wanted it to.) 2) It gave me a chance to listen […]

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