Angels in Disguise

I woke up today with a strange desire to bake. This is strange for many reasons: I don’t know how to bake, I’m trying to eat healthy, and who has time to bake today? And then I looked at the calendar at it made sense. My dear friend Ashley, and one of the most incredible bakers I’ve ever know, passed away 5 years ago today. 

Legacy of Love

Happy New Year! 2017 has come and gone in a flash–though I feel like I say that about every year. Personally, I’m glad the new year is here. Not because 2017 was terrible–it challenged me in so many different ways and there were many highs and lows to the year, but because with this new year comes new change and new challenges and new opportunities. The end of the year was bittersweet for a few different reasons but the main reason being family.

My last living grandparent, my baa (dad’s mom), passed away. I miss her immensely (as I’m typing this, I’m feeling this burning in my nose and water in my eyes) but am at peace with her passing.