I haven’t forgotten about the Machu Picchu posts–there’s still more info about my trip coming your way!–but I’ve had one of those days weeks where something is off but you’re just not sure what. It could be the feeling of facing reality after coming home from a euphoric vacation. It could be the chaos that I call my apartment. It could be the fatigue that’s following me around even after a week of going to bed before 10pm. It could be that it’s Diwali, the five-day new year festival for Hindu Gujaratis (that’s what I am), and I always seem to get a little homesick for family around this time. It could be that the clocks went back so even though it says that it’s 9:25pm, my body thinks it’s 10:25pm and is wondering why I’m still awake. It could be that Portland winter is about to kick in which means a few months of grey skies and rain. It could be that no matter how productive of a day I have, my to do list never seems to get shorter.
Whatever the cause may be, it’s a night where watching a tear-jerker while cuddled up in my fleece cupcake onesie (yes, I own one–are you really that surprised?) could make things right–or at least make them better.

Thank you, Pajamagram & Groupon!

Personally, I think it’s ok to have an off day. Everyone has them, right? I think the off days help you appreciate and recognize the on days. It’s when your off days outnumber your on days is when I start to get worried. And it’s exhausting to be on all the time, isn’t it?

What do you do when you’re having an off day, or in my case, week? (My other ways to make up for an off day include playing with babies, going to a bookstore and reading books that remind me of much simpler times (children’s picture books), and having a 90s singalong session.)

To be honest, I didn’t even feel like blogging today, but I’ve made my commitment to blog every day this month as part of NoBloPoMo and you’re only as good as your word, right? So I took my own advice from a talk I gave a few weeks ago (geared at corporate social media strategists on creating content): use what’s in front of you.

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